Policy statements

The Senior Management Team will consider the potential impacts of any long term business plans on the environment, and is committed to continually reducing the environmental impacts of its current activities and services through the implementation of environmental management systems.
Positive health and safety culture will be promoted within the organisation, with suitable resources allocated to achieve this aim. Management and employees will actively work towards continual improvement of the health and safety culture.
It is the policy of the Company to ensure that all work undertaken meets our customers’ requirements. To achieve this, our Quality Management System provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives that allows us to continually improve the effectiveness of the system.
We promote equal treatment for all employees or potential employees irrespective of race (including colour, national or ethnic origin), sex and sexual orientation, gender-reassignment, religion or belief, disability, age, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, or part time and fixed term employment status, and ensure that this is managed in such a way that the Company complies with Equality legislation and Codes of Practice.